Frequently Asked Questions

Agency Location and Reporting:

Where is Children Services located?

The location to make reports is: Muskingum County Adult and Child Protective Services, located at 205 N. 7th Street, Zanesville, Ohio in the County Services building. MCACPS offices are on the second floor above the Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department.

REPORTS MUST BE MADE BY CONTACTING CHILDREN SERVICES DIRECTLY by phone at 740-455-6710, by mail or in person at 205 N 7th Street, Zanesville, Ohio.

Community Services:

What is 211?

Dial 211 is an easy number to call when you need help or to access human services agencies, crisis hotlines, food pantries and lots more. It is a free 24-hour service so you get the help you need when you need it. 211 is a service of United Way of Muskingum, Perry, and Morgan Counties.

How can I get housing information or help paying rent?

The information listed below is not an endorsement of any agency nor is there any guarantee of available financial resources. The agencies have granted verbal permission for the provision of the information. Each inquiry handled by the agencies listed would be according to their own individual eligibility requirements.

Catholic Social Services

45 N. 4th Street, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-452-5057

Eastside Community Ministry

40 N. 6th Street, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-452-7519

Salvation ArmySalvation Army of Zanesville

515 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-452-8350

United Way

526 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-454-6872

Veterans of Foreign Wars

131 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-452-4491

Zanesville-Metropolitan Housing Authority

407 Pershing Road, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-454-8566

Section 8

407 Pershing Road, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-454-6866

Muskingum County Job & Family Services

445 Woodlawn Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-454-0161

You can also contact the church where you worship.

Who handles medical cards?

Muskingum County Job & Family Services

445 Woodlawn Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 740-454-0161

Who handles child support? Can you help me with child support?

Muskingum County Job and Family Services - Child Support Enforcement

1830 East Pike, Zanesville, Ohio 740-455-7146

Muskingum County Child Support Enforcement is often times associated with Muskingum County Adult and Child Protective Services, but the two are separate agencies with separate missions. Muskingum County Child Support Enforcement conducts paternity tests and enforces child support orders/collections for children.

Housing Regulations/Supervision:

How many people can live in a home together?

There are licensing rules for foster and day care homes but for a family household there is no law stating how many people can live at a family residence. The number of people living in a home can be regulated by the landlord, Section 8, or Metro Housing, but cannot be regulated by Children Services as long as the child's basic needs are being met by his/her caregiver.

How old does a child need to be before they can babysit or be left alone by themselves?

There are licensing rules for foster and day care homes but for a family household there is no law that states a "specific age" that a child can be left home alone or be able to babysit. A parent is responsible to supervise and control his/her child and provide for his/her basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, medical care, protection) until he/she turns 18 years of age. Many children are not mature enough to stay home alone until they are at least 12 years old. No specific age recommendation can be given because it depends on the individual child. Some 10 year olds are very responsible and are able to stay at home for a short time while some teenagers cannot be trusted to be home alone for even short periods of time.

Can children of opposite genders share a room together?

There are licensing rules for foster and day care homes but for a family household there are no "rules" or "laws" regarding how many children can be in a bedroom, if boys and girls can share a room, etc. The only time that this could be of concern is if one of the children is harming another child physically, sexually, etc.

Emancipation/Custody Issues:

If I am under 18 years old how can I be emancipated?

Emancipation for a child under 18 years of age is determined on a case by case basis by Muskingum County Juvenile Court. You may contact the court by calling 740-453-0351 or by mail or in person at 1830 E Pike, Zanesville, Ohio 43701.

My wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend won't allow me to see my child. Will you go out and check on them?

Children Services cannot just "check" on people without specific allegations of abuse and neglect. There are guidelines that the State of Ohio provides that must be met before Children Services can initiate an investigation. This is a legal matter. It is best to contact an attorney or Legal Aid 740-454-1223 to gain advice.

I don't want to send my child back with my ex-wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend. Can I keep him/her?

Children Services cannot interfere with custody/court orders unless there are serious concerns of safety or harm to the child. If a man and woman in the state of Ohio have a child and are not married, then the mother automatically has full custody of the child unless the court orders otherwise. It is best to contact an attorney or Legal Aid 740-454-1223 to gain advice on these legal matters. There is also paperwork available at the Muskingum County Library that can be filed pro se in Domestic Relations Court in reference to custody of children.

Agency Records:

I am going to court and need information about an investigation involving my child, can I get copies?

When information contained in the case record is to be used for court purposes the information will not be shared. Instead, the person served must file a subpoena or motion for discovery in such actions.

What do I need to do in order to request records on myself or my child?

In order to receive copies of information, you must submit a written request to the records department of Muskingum County Adult and Child Protective Services. The request should include the name, birth date, and contact information of the person making the request, names of parents and children in the family, approximate time frames of agency involvement, and the nature of the information sought. The Executive Director has final authority to decide what information, if any, may be shared. Investigative activities or the identity of a person or an agency which has made a complaint of abuse or neglect will not be disclosed as that information is confidential by law (ORC 2151.42.1). However, the case disposition can be shared with the parent, child, and alleged perpetrator.

ALL REPORTS MUST BE MADE BY CONTACTING MUSKINGUM COUNTY ADULT AND CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES at 740-455-6710, or in person or by mail at 205 N 7th Street, PO BOX 157, Zanesville, Ohio 43702-0157.

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