Adult Protective Services

What is Adult Protective Services?

Adult Protective Services are provided to an adult, who has been determined by evaluation, for the prevention, correction, or discontinuance of an act, or conditions resulting from physical, emotional or sexual abuse, neglect and/or self-neglect, as well as exploitation.

What is included in protective services?

Protective services may include, but are not limited to case work services, medical care, mental health services, legal services, fiscal management, home health care, housing-related guardianship services, and placement services as well as the provision of such commodities as food, clothing and shelter.

What is the age requirement for adults to receive Adult Protective Services?

Any person sixty years or older who is handicapped by the infirmities of aging, has a physical or mental impairment which prevents him/her from providing for his/her own care or protection, and resides in an independent living arrangement. What does the Adult Protective Services worker do? The Adult Protective Services case manager investigates reports of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, neglect and/or self-neglect, and exploitation. Both the adult subject and the perpetrator will be viewed as "victims" who are in need of services.

When do I contact Adult Protective Services?

Call Adult Protective Services if you know or suspect an adult (60 years or older) to be suffering from abuse, neglect, or exploitation to an extent that either life is endangered or physical harm, mental anguish or mental illness would or is likely to result.

Who are mandated reporters?

Mandated reporters are people required by law to contact the Adult Protective Services when they know of or suspect abuse. Mandated reporters are social, medical, and mental health care professionals, attorneys, peace officers, senior service providers, coroners, clergymen and professional counselors.

If I am not a mandated reporter, should I contact the Adult Protective Services Unit?

Yes! SPEAK UP! Any concerned citizen should report suspected physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, neglect and/or self-neglect, as well as exploitation.

Indicators of Abuse:

Sudden Changes in behavior or finances.

Physical injuries, signs of confinement.

Extreme withdrawal, depression or anxiety.

Absence of basic care or necessities.

Kept away from others, inadequate medical care.

Unsanitary living conditions.

Personal items missing, unusual interest in finances.

What are the goals of Adult Protective Services?

  • To prevent, reduce or remedy conditions causing endangerment to adults (who meet specified criteria) through provision of services appropriate to the adult's needs.
  • To maximize the adult's independence and self-direction.
  • To prevent unnecessary institutionalization and to enable the adult to remain in his own home as long as possible by selection of the least restrictive alternative. The least restrictive alternative means the change resulting in the least loss of self-determination that will meet the specified need. The Adult Protective Services law contains a due process provision, which protects a citizen's right to refuse state intervention in their lives. In other words, if a citizen is competent (as determined by a medical doctor) and chooses to live in a situation that our own department feels harmful, we may not intervene in the life of this self-determined individual.

How do I make a referral to Adult Protective Services?

Please contact Muskingum County Adult and Child Protective Services by telephone, in person, or by writing a letter. Call: 740-455-6710.

Adult Protective Services Unit:

Patrick Donavan, Supervisor; Patsy McDonald, Team Leader; Trisha Hartman, Case Manager

CONTACT: 740-452-6339 FAX: 740-452-6464

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